The Pearl River and Honey Island Swamp Museum and Research Center was opened to the public in July 2012.
Hours of Operation are currently Saturdays from 10:00am - 3:00pm
39437 Hwy 41 Spur
Pearl River, Louisiana
Exhibits at the Pearl River Museum
Railroad & Train Depot
Indian Artifacts
Antique Collectibles
Pearl River Jr. High School
Historic Kitchen Scene
Town History
Pearls of the Pearl River
Family Histories
Swamp Room Exhibit
During the 2006 Centennial Celebration in the Town of Pearl River, townspeople gathered, donated and displayed family and town history in the Town Hall. People continually suggested that the Town invest in a museum. Ruby Gauley and Zereda Crawford took a tape measure to the location of the old train depot to see how much space was available, with ideas of building a museum in that location to resemble the train depot. Once a map from the railroad was presented to the Mayor to consider purchasing the land, the Town offered to build a museum next to the Senior Citizen Center, with the agreement that the Board would get grants for the museum to operate off of.
In 2007, the building was erected for the museum and research began. Grants were applied for, and awarded by the state. In 2008 the museum began accepting donations for Charter Memberships in order to help with overhead costs. For years, many people volunteered their time and energy to help research and piece together what is now the Pearl River and Honey Island Swamp Museum and Research Center. The museum first opened its doors to the public on Saturday, July 7, 2012. With an early American kitchen, a swamp room, a plethora of family histories, logging, train, and Indian sections there is definitely something for everyone.
Improvements are ongoing, and items are continually being loaned or donated and put on display. The museum does not charge admission, instead greatly appreciates monetary donations. Memberships are available at $10.00 per person, per year. Membership privileges are still being considered, but the museum board plans to offer something back to its members each year.
Volunteers are welcome, please stop by and fill out an application. Museum hours are every Saturday from 10:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. It is hoped that hours will be extended in the future, with the help of volunteers.